Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish characters

It’s another Tuesday and another Top Ten Tuesday. This time it’s my favourite literary bookish characters and authors from the past who turn up in a completely different role in fiction today.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week it’s my favourite bookish Characters, so I’ve chosen my favourites characters from books from the past who have turned up in recent books. So in no particular order. Click on title for review

The Bronte Sisters ( Red Monarch by Ella Bellis)

All the Bronte sisters take on the mystery of a missing husband but the fiesty Emily Bronte outwitting a crime lord stole my heart.

Jane Austen ( Jane and the year without summer by Stephanie Barron)

Jane solves a murder when on holiday in Bath in the expected ladylike fashion without causing any ripples in polite society.

Lady Haversham ( The Jane Eyre Affair and Lost in a good book by Jasper Fforde)

This book is peppered with literary characters but Lady Haversham from great expectation is a great, grumpy mentor to Tuesday Next, a literal book detective in an amazing book where fans can literally group into their favourite books.

All the characters from Wuthering Heights  ( Lost in a good book by Jasper Fforde)

I couldn’t stop laughing for ages after I read Heathcliff,Cathy and Linton trying to manage their passion in an anger management group.

Kate Hogarth and Charles Dickens ( The Pickwick Murders by Heather Redmond)

Kate Hogarth ( later Dickens) was an impressive woman in her own right, so it its entirely plausible that she could solve a murder to set her Charles free from prison.

Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde ( The Land of the Dead)

It makes perfect sense when you think about- Bram Stoker is vampire fighting vigilante along with his complex but clever friend, Wilde.

 Elizabeth Bennet (Death comes to Pemberley by P.D James)

I’ve read this ages ago but I so remember enjoying reading P D James take on Elizabeth and Darcy.

 Shakesphere (Master of the Ravels by Nicole Galland)

Shakespeare takes a time-travelling woman dressed as a man in his stride, and then uses her in a play!

Agatha Christie ( The Christie Affair by Nina De Gramont)

I loved the author’s take on Christie’s famous disappearance.

Jack Spratt ( The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde)

 I loved the fact that Jack the most well-adjusted detective  has to solve the weirdest mysteries solving those terrible nursery rhyme  and stories characters – it does make you realise how dark some of these child friendly rhymes and stories actually were!

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36 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish characters

  1. What a great twist to the topic, Anita. I have read “The Eyre Affair” and “Lost in a Good Book”, both great ones.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week which is all about readers.

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  2. Such a fun spin on this week’s topic. I finished a book last week that I think would also fit this category. The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray. It’s a locked door mystery where Jane Austen’s most loathed character, Mr. Wickham, is murdered, and all of Austen’s most beloved fictional characters are suspects.

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