The Estate by Denzil Meyrick – book review and blog tour.

I’m pleased to be part of the blog tour for The Estate by Denzil Meyrick.

Sebastian Pallander’s death leaves behind a multi-billion-dollar financial estate and a castle in the Cairngorms. His family are torn apart, not by grief but by anger at Sebastian’s will – and the fact that the great man left them with nothing more than pocket change.
Soon Sebastian’s eldest son dies in mysterious circumstances, and DI Salt and DS Blackstock begin to suspect the  people listed on the will might not be future millionaires; they might be future victims.
Because when this much money is at stake, people are capable of almost anything. And if Salt and Blackstock are right, someone is killing their way into the inheritance – once family member at a time…


I really enjoyed The Estate by Denzil Meyrick- a tense crime thriller with a dark humorous edge.

I received a copy of this book for a free and unbiased opinion.

DI Cara Salt, the lead Detective in this crime book is definitely one of my new favourite detectives- a woman with dry sense of humour, brave and forthright. Her outspoken comments about the privilege the rich and powerful possess resonated with me.

Cara had resigned herself to being stuck in an unknown department in Police Scotland dealing with deputes relating to wills after an incident that derailed her career and love life. But then her intriguing new DI joins her department, and she is  co-opted to the investigation into the death of the son of the late Sebastian Pallander and then neck deep in dirty money ,fraud ,corruption and kidnapping.

The plot moves quickly with so many twists and turns, some I was expecting and so many that made me almost gasp. The books ends with a  tense and explosive ending. The dark themes are tempered with a good dose of dark humour but the book also reflects so many of society’s problems in an entertaining way.

I’m not sure if this is the start of a new crime series but I really hope there are more books featuring  DI Cara Salt.

Perfect for Fans of

Dark crime thrillers with a good dose of humour.

About The Author

Denzil Meyrick is from Campbeltown on the Kintyre Peninsula in Argyll. After studying politics, he enjoyed a varied career as a police officer, distillery manager, and director of several companies. He is the No.1 bestselling author of the DCI Daley series and is now an executive producer of a major TV adaptation of his books. Denzil lives on Loch Lomondside in Scotland with his wife Fiona and cats. You can find him on Twitter @Lochlomonden, Facebook @DenzilMeyrickAuthor, or on his website:

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